Cost of Living support

Use our cost of living web pages to see what’s available near you. You can also call us on 01983 823134.

Contact Citizens Advice Isle of Wight on 0800 144 88 48 or Their advice is free, confidential and independent. They can help with debt, benefits, legal advice and much more.

Contact The Footprint Trust for free advice or call them 01983 822282.

Use the connect4communities website to see what other support is available in your area.

The government Help for Households website has information about help with childcare costs, benefits and many other schemes.


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Find a Warm Welcome Space

There’s a great network of Warm Welcome Spaces across the Island. These friendly spaces are run by the community for the community.

In a Warm Welcome Space you might find support and advice, tea and coffee, other refreshments, games, crafts and you’ll always find a friendly face and someone to chat to.

There’s a list of Warm Welcome Spaces on our website.



Changes to tax credits – please share this information with your residents

Tax credits are ending. If you’re currently on Child Tax Credit and/or Working Tax Credit, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will be writing to you with a Universal Credit Migration Notice over the next few months. The notice will explain what you need to do to apply for Universal Credit.

You must apply for Universal Credit within 3 months and 1 day of getting your letter, you will not get it automatically.

Apply as soon as soon as you receive your letter to make sure you get things sorted as quickly as possible.

For more information go to:

For local support go to: and put your postcode in.



Help with childcare costs

Make sure you’ve opened a Tax-Free Childcare account to save on your yearly childcare bills.
Families can use their Tax-Free Childcare account to pay for any approved childcare including holiday clubs, breakfast and after school clubs, child minders and nurseries.
The scheme provides working families, with children up to the age of 11, or 16 if their child has a disability, up to £2,000 a year per child or £4,000 a year if their child is disabled.

For every £8 paid into a Tax-Free Childcare account, families automatically receive the government top up of £2. Families can save up to £500 every 3 months for each child or £1,000 if their child is disabled.

Don’t forget:

  • Eligible working families in England with 3 and 4 year old children can receive 30 hours of free childcare a week.
  • Families in England who have 2 year old children and are on certain benefits can get 15 hours of free childcare a week.
  • All families with children aged 3 and 4 can also access 15 hours of free childcare a week.


Get more information on the government website.



Did you know there’s a cost of living podcast on Vectis Radio?


The Isle of Wight cost of living podcast on Vectis Radio gives community organisations and Islanders who are supporting our community the opportunity to talk about the help they provide. After the interview Vectis Radio turns it into a podcast which is available to listen to via their website.



Community pantries and larders are free to join

  • Community pantries are free to join.
  • Anyone can use them to top up their weekly shop – you don’t need to be on benefits.
  • Join a pantry and for £5 a week, receive over £15 worth of food.
  • You don’t need a referral, contact your nearest pantry directly to join.



East Cowes Community Pantry
Community Spirited, Vectis Road, East Cowes, PO32 6HN
01983 296592
Opening hours:
Tuesday, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Wednesday and Thursday, 10:30am to 12:30pm


Ventnor Community Pantry
Baby Box, Victoria Street, Ventnor, PO38 1EJ
07961 959003
Opening hours:
Tuesday 3pm to 6pm
Saturday 11am to 2pm

Ryde Community Pantry

Oakfield CE Primary School, Appley Road, Ryde, PO33 1NE
01983 563732
Opening hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
3.00pm to 4.30pm

Newport Community Pantry

The Pyle Street Pantry, 98 Pyle Street, Newport, PO30 1UH
Opening hours:
Wednesday 11am to 1pm and 5pm to 7pm


Pan Community Larder for East Newport residents
Downside Community Centre, Furrlongs, Newport, PO30 2AX.
01983 248170
Opening hours:
Tuesday and Friday 12pm to 2pm


Find out more about getting hold of affordable food on our website

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Funding opportunities


Community grant funding via the Household Support Fund – closes 29 September 2023

A total of £500,000 is available until 31 March 2024 for local projects and initiatives that support residents who are in food and energy poverty. This community grant funding comes from the government’s Household Support Fund.

The funding is available to community and voluntary organisations and town, parish and community councils. We are looking for innovative and sustainable new ideas and proposals from across the Island.

The current funding round is open until 29 September 2023.
There are couple of things to note:

  • You can now apply for funding for project delivery up until 31 March 2024. There will be another funding round from 22 January to 9 February 2024.
  • Please read the guidance carefully, especially if you have had funding before, as we have updated it recently.

Find out more and apply on the connect4communities website



Community Organisations Cost-of-Living Fund

The government have launched a £76 million Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund to support communities most affected by the increased cost of living.

The fund will distribute grants to frontline services that have been impacted by increased demand and support low-income households and individuals. Eligible organisations can apply for grants of £10,000- £75,000.

To be eligible for this funding organisations must:

  • offer critical services to low-income households and individuals around at least one of the following: food and emergency supplies, emergency shelter, safe spaces, warmth and financial or housing advice
  • be able to demonstrate increased demand and increased costs for those critical services
  • be registered with the Charity Commission or an incorporated not-for-profit company
  • provide services to a local community in England – with a focus on small and medium organisations, although national organisations can apply where they can demonstrate local impact

The closing date for applications is noon on 16 October.


It is also worth signing up for Community Action IW’s e-newsletter if you haven’t already, as this has a good round up of funding opportunities available.



Please share the survey and help the Island Food Strategy Group find out about food insecurity on the Island.

The Isle of Wight Council were invited to support the Island Food Strategy Group in 2022. Public Health now facilitate this partnership between public, private and voluntary organisations. Its role is to look at food insecurity issues that have worsened due to the rise in the cost of living and the longer term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We would be very grateful if you could pass this survey on to anyone who you know who is working to support Islanders with food provision.

This short survey should take under 10 minutes to complete. It aims to help us get a clearer picture of the current food provision situation on the Island. We want to identify existing gaps so we can see how they might be able to be addressed through working together.

We very much appreciate your time and support with this.

Here is the link to the survey.



Consultation about variations to the Local Council Tax Support Scheme – closes October 2 2023

Nearly 10,000 Islanders receive council tax support from the Local Council Tax Support Scheme. This includes people in work. At the moment assistance starts at 20%, rising up in several steps to 70% maximum assistance. This is dependent on the household and financial circumstances of the individual application.

The proposal for the scheme starting in April 2024 is to keep the scheme as it is, but we are also asking for opinions on varying the maximum level of support by 5% either way.

Both alternatives have a significant impact on the council budget. Higher levels of relief would require savings and cuts elsewhere. Lower levels of relief could lead to an increase in council tax arrears and lower levels of Council Tax collection.

The results of the consultation form part of the decision-making process for setting council tax and the overall council budget next year.

You can fill it out online using this link to the consultation. Residents can also pick up a copy from council offices and libraries. A large print version is available.
The closing date is October 2 2023.


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